View Full Version : Tài liệu: 1 số đòn HKD được chế ra để khắc đòn Judo

09-24-2009, 10:00 AM
Tui mới kiếm ra 1 tài liệu nói về nguồn gốc của 1 số đòn HKD.

Hầu như ai cũng biết là HKD phát nguồn từ Daito-ryu Aikijujitsu (DR-AJJ) và người dạy sư tổ là thầy Sokaku Takeda. Sự thật này đã có rất nhiều văn kiện và tài liệu chứng minh.

Trong diễn đàn cũng có 1 bài nói về nguồn gốc của HKD.

� Liên hệ giữa HKD và aikijiujitsu (http://www.hiepkhidao.com/default.aspx?g=posts&t=717)

Ai cũng biết thập niên 1930 là những bước chân đầu của HKD. Sư tổ đã học DR-AJJ với thầy Takeda vào cuối thập niên 1910, đã sang Mãn Châu vào đầu thập niên 1920 và 1930 là lúc bắt đầu phát triển HKD.

Sư tổ qua thời gian (http://www.hiepkhidao.com/default.aspx?g=posts&t=1601)

Trong thời gian đó, ít ai biết rõ chi tiết những kỹ thuật của sư tổ. Mới đây, Giáo sư Fumiaki Shishida của Đại học Waseda Tokyo đã viết 1 bài với tựa đề "quá trình về việc thành lập HKD và thống đốc Isam Takeshita: Qua phân tích của cuốn nhật ký của thống đốc Takeshita từ 1925 tới 1931"

Bản thảo của thống đốc là 1 tài liệu rất hiếm, nêu rõ những kỹ thuật của HKD trong những năm tháng đầu của môn võ đó.

Theo tài liệu đó, những kỹ thuật được sư tổ dạy lúc đó đa số có dụng ý phản đòn Judo. Những gì thống đốc đã ghi lại phủ hợp với những lời tuyên bố của thầy kenji Tomiki, sang lập viên của Tomiki Aikido. Tomiki Aikido cũng được gọi là Shodokan aikido và là môn aikido duy nhât có đấu kháng như Judo.

Bảng sau đây là danh sách kỹ thuật Judo mà ST muốn khắc chế:

Table 2: The 20 Judo attack categories countered by Ueshiba''s 51 techniques against Judo.

Judo Attack The number in the 51 techniques against judo

1 Grasps at a collar and a sleeve 1, 8, 11, 12, 37, 48
2 Grasps at both sleeves 2, 4, 6, 7, 13, 14, 15, 16, 21, 24, 25, 49
3 Grasps at both collars 29, 30
4 Grasps at left collar 14, 26, 32 (also at a wrist), 45
5 Grasps at the front of right collar 38
6 Grasps at the front of the collar 27
7 Grasps at the left sleeve 17, 18, 26.
8 Grasps at the right sleeve 5, 20, 22, 40 (also front of belt), 47
9 Seizes the left shoulder 9
10 Tries to grasp with both hands 3, 19, 23, 46, 50
11 Grasps at both wrists 51
12 (obscure passages) 31
13 Applies the judo technique: Uchimata (after doing Tsurikomi) 33
14 Applies the judo technique: right Hanegoshi 34
15 Applies the judo technique: Osotogari 35
16 Applies the judo pinning technique: Udehishigi Juji gatame 36
17 Applies the judo technique: Hikiotoshi 39
18 Applies the judo technique: Hanegosh 41
19 Applies the judo technique: right Koshinage 42, 44
20 Applies the judo technique: Hizaguruma 43 �

Thầy Tomiki, 1 hảo thủ nhu đạo đã khg thể nảo vô đòn judo và làm sư tổ mất thăng bằng khi tỉ thí với sư tổ vào mùa hè 1927.

Lần đó, thầy Tomiki khg thể nào chọc thủng thế thủ của sư tổ. Đó là 1 trong những lý do thầy Tomiki, 1 hảo thủ nhu đạo đã quyết định theo học sư tổ. Vì khg có tài liệu lịch sử để chứng minh, khg ai biết rõ là sư tổ đã dùng cách nào và đòn gì lúc đó để khống chế thầy Tomiki.

Chuyện thử thách giữa thầy Tomiki và sư tổ thì chính thầy Tomiki đã thuật lại cho thầy Tadayuki Sato, 1 ,hảo thủ Judo và aikido của võ đường Waseda, 1 trong những võ đường Judo nổi tiếng bên Nhật,

Bản thảo của thống đốc Takeshita là 1 trong những tài liệu duy nhất nói lên 1 số kỹ thuật HKD trong thời kỳ phát triền (1930). Bản thảo này được viết giữa muà xuân 1930 và mùa đông 1931. Bàn thảo tên là Kon, dầy tận 252 trang, chưa được ai phân tích mặc dù được nhiều aikidoka biết đến.

Cuốn tài liệu đó chứa 1095 kỹ thuật chia ra trong 39 cách tấn công. Thống đốc Takeshita tập chung vào 147 đòn dưới tên "Tai Judo" hay là phản đòn Judo.

Những kỹ thuật được ghi chép dùng để khắc những đòn của hệ phái Kito-ryu jujitsu, 1 trong những võ phái có uy thế vào thời kỳ 1600 � 1868. Ai cũng biết là thầy Jigoro Kano, sang lập viên của Judo tân thời cũng biến chế và phối hợp 1 số đòn của 2 hệ phái Kito-ryu và Tenjin-shinyo-ryu vào đòn Judo.

Và 1 điều cũng nên nhắc là sư tổ cũng đã học kito-ryu và Judo trước khi học DR-AJJ với thầy Takeda.

Sự nghiên cứu về Kyto-ryu trong khung cãnh HKD và Nhu đạo đáng được chú ý để hiểu biết lịch sử của HKD và sự liên hệ kỹ thuật hệ giữa 2 môn võ đó. Mặc dù HKD được nhiều người biết đến từ mấy thập niên nay, nhưng rất ít người biết rõ được nguồn gốc của đòn thế HKD. Ai ai cũng nghĩ là đòn HKD đều từ DR-AJJ và "tròn" hơn chút xíu.

Sau đây là danh sách đòn HKD dùng để khắc chế những đòn Judo nêu ở phiá trên

Table 1: The 51 methods of attacking in Ueshiba''s techniques.

1 When he grasps my collar and sleeve with both hands 27 When he applies a technique grasping my front collar with his right hand, and putting my left hand in front of a belt
2 The moment he grasps both my sleeves using both hands 28 When he grasps my collar and sleeve in an ordinary way
3 When he approaches extending both hands 29 When he, from the front, grasps both sides of my collar with both hands
4 When he grasps both my sleeves using both hands 30 When he grasp both sides of my collar and hangs on
5 The moment his left hand reaches for my right sleeve 31 When he bends his arm in a spot of elbow and hangs on
6 When he grasps both my sleeves 32 When he grasps my left collar by right hand from an upper position and my right wrist with his left hand
7 The moment he grasps both my sleeves 33 When he applies Uchimata after breaking my balance with Tsurikomi
8 The moment he grasps my collar and sleeves 34 When he applies the right Hanegoshi after bending knees while breaking the opponent''s balance with Tsurikomi
9 When a tall man grasps my left shoulder by right hand from an upper position 35 When he applies Ohsotogari
10 This is the counter techniques of No. 32 and No. 33. The moment he presses my right hand against his chest with his left hand 36 In case of lying on back, when he puts his leg on my right hand after grasping it by both hands, and applies Gyaku or a joint technique while extending it on my throat and chest [Udehishigi juji gatame]
11 The moment he grasps my collar and sleeves backward from left leg 37 When he makes a posture of Hanmi after he grasps my front collar with his right hand and my right sleeve with his left hand, and takes a step
12 The moment he clings to my collar and sleeves 38 When he graps my right collar only with his right hand
13 When he grasps both my sleeves 39 When he tries to pull down
14 When he, from the front, grasps both sleeves by both hands, or grasps my left collar with his right hand and my right chest with his left hand 40 When he applies a throwing technique after pulling me near him or pulling me up, after he graps the front of my belt in lower direction with his right hand and my right sleeve with his left hand
15 When he grasps my left sleeve with his right hand 41 When he applies Hanegoshi
16 The moment he grasps both sleeves with both hands 42 When he applies right Koshinage
17 When he grasps my left sleeve with his right hand 43 When he applies Hizaguruma
18 When he grasps my left sleeve with his right hand 44 When he applies right Koshinage
19 When he extends both hands 45 When he grasps my collar with his right hand and my right wrist with his left hand
20 When he grasps my right sleeve with his left hand 46 When he approaches extending both hands
21 When he grasps both sleeves with both hands 47 When he graps my right sleeve with his left hand
22 When his left hand reaches to my right sleeve 48 When he grasps my left collar with his right hand and my sleeve with his left hand
23 When he approaches extending both hands 49 When he grasp both my sleeves with both hands
24 When he grasps both my sleeves with both his hands 50 The moment he extends both my hands
25 The moment he grasps both my sleeves 51 When he grasps both my wrists
26 When he grasps my left collar or left sleeve with his right hand from an upper position

Dây là tài liệu chính

Morihei Ueshiba (1883-1969) the aikido founder was engaged in developing modern aikido from ancient Daito-ryu-aiki-jujutsu (originally called Daito-ryu) around 1930. Part of this development was involved in creation of techniques designed to counter judo techniques. In my article from 2006 for ISHPES,

The Process of Forming Aikido and Admiral Isamu Takeshita: Through the Analysis of Takeshita''s diary from 1925 to 1931, I introduced a manuscript written by Admiral Takeshita. The manuscript says clearly that Ueshiba taught techniques intended for use as counter attacks against judo techniques. This is consistent with Kenji Tomiki''s statement: Tomiki was unable to fi nd a chance to break Ueshiba''s balance with judo techniques when sparring with Ueshiba in the summer of 1927 [1].

In other words, Tomiki was unable to enter the defensive sphere of Ueshiba. That was reason why Tomiki, a skilful judo practitioner, became Ueshiba''s apprentice and continued practicing aikido with him for decades. Because of the lack of historical documents, it is not clear what kind of skills Ueshiba performed in those days or how Ueshiba''s skills developed over time.

This article will clarify the process of forming aikido in 1930s through analyzing Ueshiba''s 147 counter techniques against judo. This analysis based upon Takeshita''s notes Kon, which were written between spring 1930 and winter 1931. The Kon is a 252-page set of notes, which have not been studied in the academic literature regarding aikido in Japan despite it has been known among aikido practitioners.

These notes contain 1,095 techniques classifi ed into 39 forms of fi ghting [2]. Author focus on 147 techniques described as "Tai judo" or counter techniques against judo.

Author will also compare Ueshiba''s counter techniques against judo with the techniques of Kito-ryu jujutsu (originally called Kito-ryu), one of the most infl uential martial arts styles of the Edo era (1600- 1868). It is well known that Jigoro Kano created judo through the study of two kinds of jujutsu, Kito-ryu and Tenjin-shinyo-ryu. Interestingly, that Ueshiba also studied Kito-ryu and judo before he learned Daito-ryu.

The study of Kito-ryu within the context of both aikido and judo can be signifi cant not only to recognize aikido history but also to understand the technical relation between aikido and judo. Even though aikido became popular in recent decades over the world, almost nobody knows how it was established.

This article is a revised version of the paper, which author has presented at the Joint World Congress of the ISHPES and the ISSA at the University of Copenhagen, between July 31 and August 5, 2007.

The comments received after that conference have helped author significantly in revising and improving this article.

1. Counter Techniques against Judo in the Takeshita''s notes Kon

For the first eight techniques out of the 147 judo counter-techniques, Takeshita describes only how to apply each counter-technique without mentioning the nature of the judo attack, which designed to counter.

For technique No.9 he gives a brief description of the judo attack, e.g. "when his hands are about to touch my collar and sleeve". For techniques 10 to 12, Takeshita gives again only the method for applying the counterattack described in No.9.

However, in Author''s opinion the techniques numbered 10, 11, and 12 are different variations of the technique No.9 and thus refer to different ways to deal with the attack. The same form of description maintains to the end.

After examination, author classified the 147 counter-techniques as dealing with 51 methods of attacking using judo techniques (See, Table 1), which are clearly described in the Kon.

Afterwards classified (these 51 judo attacks) into 20 patterns by removing repeated methods etc (See, Table 2). We can understand the trend of Ueshiba''s study against judo through these two tables. However, all of the 147 techniques should be examine to understand their substantial content.

The result of the examination is as follows:

1) All of the techniques except No. 36 are standing techniques. Many of the techniques applied instantly to case of attack, because skilled judo practitioners break an opponent''s balance as soon as they grab their opponent''s clothes somewhere.

We can see the instantaneous nature of most counter techniques in the following expressions:
As soon as an opponent tries to touch the collar and sleeve (No. 9 and 26); both sleeves (No. 13 and 23); right sleeve (No. 20); tries to touch with both hands extended (No. 14). Granted that when fighting against an excellent judo practitioner, balance breaking is required just before grasped at the collar(s) or sleeve(s).

2) The expression "Kokyu wo ire" means "show sprit" use in 37 passages in the 147 techniques.
Based on examination of these 37 passages, this expression refers to the usage of the hand blade(s) in order to break balance, and it is the same as the skill of aiki, which is, in Daito-ryu, the skill of breaking an opponent''s balance in a flash by straining hand(s).

3) There are around 32 expressions "Hikiotosu" or "pulling an opponent down", which is a kind of throwing technique. This throwing technique in Japanese martial arts like judo and sumo intends
to throw down by the direct use of hands and hips.

Special features of "Hikiotosu" include moving backward while arcing downward and sitting down swiftly to drop one''s body weight.

Hikiotoshi is applying without a direct use of the hip as a fulcrum on which to tip the opponent, but with both centripetal and centrifugal force arising by body movement. Those are numbers 1, 2, 8, 9, 12, 15, 20, 21, 27, 29, 33, 34, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 47, 55, 61, 62, 75, 82, 86, 87, 89, 135, 137.

With one of the reasons, there are so many throwing techniques like Hikiotoshi showing that Ueshiba was under the influence of Kito-ryu etc.

Development noted in the Kon in 1931 may be crucial to understand the postwar development of aikido in that aikido would share with judo the quality of emphasizing the practice of relatively safe techniques and skills.

4) Ueshiba also devised techniques to control an opponent (68, 92, 104, 105, 114, and 147) which were not many in the comparison to the number of counter-attacks that involved throws. These controlling techniques are joint techniques against wrist, elbow, knee etc., and, therefore, there is the risk of suffering injuries like fractures and sprains.

2. The relation to Kito-ryu
Kito-ryu formed during the early time of the Edo era (1600-1868) and propagates in several prefectures (Nakajima, 2007) [3]. Judo founder Jigoro Kano had learned Kito-ryu before developing Judo, thus Kito-ryu became one of the most famous schools of Japanese Jujutsu.

The Kata (forms) [4] of Kito-ryu, authorized by the judo headquarters Kodokan those days inherited as the Koshiki-no-kata, which consists of 21 techniques in two parts (14 and 7 forms).

All of the techniques differ from Atemi-waza or striking and kicking techniques but deal with the art of throwing down showed at the pictures of Shashin Kaisetsu Kodokan Judo [5] where Jigoro Kano demonstrates it. Atemi-waza is almost insignificant because the Kata builds it on the assumption of a fight between two people whom were armor.

Obviously, there are also no techniques where two people grasp each other by the collar and sleeve. The greater part of the 14 techniques consists of a kind of Hikiotoshi. Nine Hikiotoshi perform with Counter techniques against judo... kneeling down and one Hikiotoshi perform with squatting, while the remaining four are Sutemi-waza

[6], or "sacrifice techniques" in which the defender must throw itself into lying position while performing the techniques.

In the Koshiki-no-kata, a balance breaking that makes use of the momentum produced by body movement often applies in the 14 techniques, whilst Ueshiba uses "Kokyu wo ire" or "aiki".

Especially two techniques, numbers 5 and 6, perform clearly with handling the body and hands to neutralize the attack just before an opponent is touching. It is conceivable that pulling an opponent down by utilizing his own weight and terrestrial gravitation is quite effective at throwing down a heavy person.

"Mizunagare (No. 5)" and "Hikiotoshi (No.6) in the Koshiki-no-kata are very similar to the
Hikiotoshi described by Ueshiba in the "Kon".

Table 1: The 51 methods of attacking in Ueshiba''s techniques.

1 When he grasps my collar and sleeve with both hands 27 When he applies a technique grasping my front collar with his right hand, and putting my left hand in front of a belt
2 The moment he grasps both my sleeves using both hands 28 When he grasps my collar and sleeve in an ordinary way
3 When he approaches extending both hands 29 When he, from the front, grasps both sides of my collar with both hands
4 When he grasps both my sleeves using both hands 30 When he grasp both sides of my collar and hangs on
5 The moment his left hand reaches for my right sleeve 31 When he bends his arm in a spot of elbow and hangs on
6 When he grasps both my sleeves 32 When he grasps my left collar by right hand from an upper position and my right wrist with his left hand
7 The moment he grasps both my sleeves 33 When he applies Uchimata after breaking my balance with Tsurikomi
8 The moment he grasps my collar and sleeves 34 When he applies the right Hanegoshi after bending knees while breaking the opponent''s balance with Tsurikomi
9 When a tall man grasps my left shoulder by right hand from an upper position 35 When he applies Ohsotogari
10 This is the counter techniques of No. 32 and No. 33. The moment he presses my right hand against his chest with his left hand 36 In case of lying on back, when he puts his leg on my right hand after grasping it by both hands, and applies Gyaku or a joint technique while extending it on my throat and chest [Udehishigi juji gatame]
11 The moment he grasps my collar and sleeves backward from left leg 37 When he makes a posture of Hanmi after he grasps my front collar with his right hand and my right sleeve with his left hand, and takes a step
12 The moment he clings to my collar and sleeves 38 When he graps my right collar only with his right hand
13 When he grasps both my sleeves 39 When he tries to pull down
14 When he, from the front, grasps both sleeves by both hands, or grasps my left collar with his right hand and my right chest with his left hand 40 When he applies a throwing technique after pulling me near him or pulling me up, after he graps the front of my belt in lower direction with his right hand and my right sleeve with his left hand
15 When he grasps my left sleeve with his right hand 41 When he applies Hanegoshi
16 The moment he grasps both sleeves with both hands 42 When he applies right Koshinage
17 When he grasps my left sleeve with his right hand 43 When he applies Hizaguruma
18 When he grasps my left sleeve with his right hand 44 When he applies right Koshinage
19 When he extends both hands 45 When he grasps my collar with his right hand and my right wrist with his left hand
20 When he grasps my right sleeve with his left hand 46 When he approaches extending both hands
21 When he grasps both sleeves with both hands 47 When he graps my right sleeve with his left hand
22 When his left hand reaches to my right sleeve 48 When he grasps my left collar with his right hand and my sleeve with his left hand
23 When he approaches extending both hands 49 When he grasp both my sleeves with both hands
24 When he grasps both my sleeves with both his hands 50 The moment he extends both my hands
25 The moment he grasps both my sleeves 51 When he grasps both my wrists
26 When he grasps my left collar or left sleeve with his right hand from an upper position

Note: All these descriptions are written clearly and can be made out from Isamu Takeshita''s notes "Kon".

Ueshiba learned Kito-ryu for about one year from the age of 18, and bayonet fighting in the army for three years. After that, he learned judo for two years with a good instructor Kiyoichi Takagi [7] from the age of 24 to 26.

Ueshiba learned Daito-ryu from the age of 28, and later he became one of the highest-ranking instructors in the school [8]. Once we compare his skills in around 1930 with the features of Daito-ryu, we can easily fi nd that his martial art puts emphasis on throwing techniques. Hence, Ueshiba''s counter techniques against judo apparently have a unique quality in that Ueshiba always tried to counter before the grasping of body or clothes took place.

On the other hand, he was under the infl uence Daito-ryu with skill "kokyu-wo-ire," which is almost the same skill as the aiki of Daito-ryu.

Unfortunately, historical sources are not sufficient in this matter, so far. But, as a temporary result, it is reasonable to conclude that Ueshiba, with his talent and efforts, had been devising a unique skill, based on methods of Kito-ryu, judo and Daito-ryu as a part of his jujutsu, later called aikido, while also forming another, separate, part dealing with techniques against sword and spear.

(1) Ueshiba''s martial art emphasizes on throwing techniques. Once we compare his skill in around 1930 with the features of Daito-ryu.

(2) Ueshiba''s counter techniques against judo have a unique quality in that Ueshiba always tried to fight before the grasping of body or clothes.

(3) Ueshiba was under influence Daito-ryu from his skill "kokyu-wo-ire," which was almost the same as the skill referred to as aiki in Daito-ryu.

Concluding Ueshiba with his talent and efforts, had been devising a unique skill based on methods of Kito-ryu, judo, and Daito-ryu as a part of his jujutsu, later called aikido, at the same time also forming another part dealing with techniques against sword and spear.

1. According to Tadayuki Sato, he heard such an anecdote from Tomiki in 1977 when he was a student of both the Waseda aikido club and
Waseda judo club. Tomiki seemed willing to answer Sato''s earnest questions because Sato was one of the best judo practitioners at Tenri
senior high school, which has always had one of most powerful judo clubs in all of Japan (Noted in July 23, 2007).

Table 2: The 20 Judo attack categories countered by Ueshiba''s 51 techniques against Judo.

Judo Attack The number in the 51 techniques against judo

1 Grasps at a collar and a sleeve 1, 8, 11, 12, 37, 48
2 Grasps at both sleeves 2, 4, 6, 7, 13, 14, 15, 16, 21, 24, 25, 49
3 Grasps at both collars 29, 30
4 Grasps at left collar 14, 26, 32 (also at a wrist), 45
5 Grasps at the front of right collar 38
6 Grasps at the front of the collar 27
7 Grasps at the left sleeve 17, 18, 26.
8 Grasps at the right sleeve 5, 20, 22, 40 (also front of belt), 47
9 Seizes the left shoulder 9
10 Tries to grasp with both hands 3, 19, 23, 46, 50
11 Grasps at both wrists 51
12 (obscure passages) 31
13 Applies the judo technique: Uchimata (after doing Tsurikomi) 33
14 Applies the judo technique: right Hanegoshi 34
15 Applies the judo technique: Osotogari 35
16 Applies the judo pinning technique: Udehishigi Juji gatame 36
17 Applies the judo technique: Hikiotoshi 39
18 Applies the judo technique: Hanegosh 41
19 Applies the judo technique: right Koshinage 42, 44
20 Applies the judo technique: Hizaguruma 43 �

Note: The classification in this table is based on Isamu Takeshita''s 1930 notebook, "Kon".

Counter techniques against judo...

2. Ryuta Kudo, my graduate student, investigated these fi gures for my study (2007B-234) supported by a research grant from Waseda

3. Nakajima, Tetsuya: The historical realities of Kito-ryu jujutsu at the early modern age, a master of thesis, Waseda University, Tokyo, 2007.

4. Kenji Tomiki well explained the term Kata as follows in his book Judo Appendix: Aikido (Tomiki, 1956, pp.11-12). "Exercises in the forms
are practiced in accordance with the process and method of attack and defense; every action and movement is prescribed according
to reason, and shows the student the fundamental techniques of attack and defense."

5. Kodokan ed.: Shashin-kaisetsu Kodokan Judo. Kodon-sha. Tokyo, 1951.

6. "Throwing in a lying position is the technique of bringing down one''s opponent by utilizing the momentum produced by laying down one''s
own body." (Tomiki, 1956, pp. 10).

7. Kiyoichi Takagi (1894-1972) was only 18 year old in 1907, when Ueshiba started to practice judo. If Takagi was really Ueshiba''s instructor, he should have been very strong in judo. Incidentally, Takagi won the invitational judo meeting for under twenty in 1913, run by
Dai-nihon-butoku-kai, the most prestigious organization of Japanese martial arts in prewar days. Later he was pomoted to 9th dan. (See,
Kano, Y, Daigo, T, et al., 1999, p. 295.)

8. Ueshiba, Kishomaru: Aikido founder Morihei Ueshiba (Revised edition), Shuppan Geijutsu-sha. Tokyo, 1999, pp. 72-73, p. 301.

Recommended bibliography:

1. Kano, Jigoro: Outline of judo and its educational value. In: Journal of Dai-nihon-kyoiku-kai. Tokyo, 1890.

2. Kano, Yukimitsu, Daigo, Toshiro, et al.: Encyclopedia of Judo, Akaneshobo, Tokyo, 1999.

3. Oimatsu, Oimatsu: Kito-ryu Jujutsu. In: Journal of faculty of sport scien ces, Juntendo University. Tokyo, 1963.

4. Tomiki, Kenji: Judo Appendix: Aikido, Japan Travel Bureau. Tokyo, 1951.

Archives of Budo


daito ryu


09-24-2009, 09:12 PM
hix, bài viết hay qua. tiếc là ko có thời gian ngồi đọc bản tiếng anh. các bác đào sâu chủ đề này nhé, KLC muốn biết thêm akd thì kì khai phá.
=d> =d>

09-26-2009, 05:50 PM
đúng là hay thiệt, và cũng hơi bất ngờ nữa..
(p/s: hình như clip daitoryu bị remove rồi chú Aiki ui)

09-27-2009, 07:52 PM
Chủ đề này,tuy là vấn đề lịch sử ,và 1 phần nguồn gốc phát triển các đòn trong HKĐ,nhưng rất thực tế trong hiện tại.Rất có ích cho cả các ngườI tập Judo và Aikido,vì bên Judo ,khi ra đòn rất nhanh,và mạnh,Trong Aikido có nguyên tắc lực vòng cầu ,có thể hoá giảI nếu biết cách sử dụng., đúng như Tổ sư đã chứng minh trong trận đâu vớI thầy Tomiki
Chủ đề này của anh Aiki rất hay,các bạn và tôi,nếu có thì giờ ,phân tích và tập luyện chuyên sâu thì hay quá,